Source code for torch.jit._freeze
This is not intended to be imported directly; please use the exposed
functionalities in `torch.jit`.
from typing import Optional, List
import torch
from torch.jit._script import RecursiveScriptModule, ScriptModule
[docs]def freeze(mod, preserved_attrs: Optional[List[str]] = None, optimize_numerics: bool = True):
Freezing a :class:`ScriptModule` will clone it and attempt to inline the cloned
module's submodules, parameters, and attributes as constants in the TorchScript IR Graph.
By default, `forward` will be preserved, as well as attributes & methods specified in
`preserved_attrs`. Additionally, any attribute that is modified within a preserved
method will be preserved.
Freezing currently only accepts ScriptModules that are in eval mode.
mod (:class:`ScriptModule`): a module to be frozen
preserved_attrs (Optional[List[str]]): a list of attributes to preserve in addition to the forward method.
Attributes modified in preserved methods will also be preserved.
optimize_numerics (bool): If ``True``, a set of optimization passes will be run that does not strictly
preserve numerics. Full details of optimization can be found at `torch.jit.optimize_frozen_module`.
Frozen :class:`ScriptModule`.
Example (Freezing a simple module with a Parameter):
.. testcode::
import torch
class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, N, M):
super(MyModule, self).__init__()
self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(N, M))
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(N, M)
def forward(self, input):
output =
output = self.linear(output)
return output
scripted_module = torch.jit.script(MyModule(2, 3).eval())
frozen_module = torch.jit.freeze(scripted_module)
# parameters have been removed and inlined into the Graph as constants
assert len(list(frozen_module.named_parameters())) == 0
# See the compiled graph as Python code
Example (Freezing a module with preserved attributes)
.. testcode::
import torch
class MyModule2(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(MyModule2, self).__init__()
self.modified_tensor = torch.tensor(10.)
self.version = 1
def forward(self, input):
self.modified_tensor += 1
return input + self.modified_tensor
scripted_module = torch.jit.script(MyModule2().eval())
frozen_module = torch.jit.freeze(scripted_module, preserved_attrs=["version"])
# we've manually preserved `version`, so it still exists on the frozen module and can be modified
assert frozen_module.version == 1
frozen_module.version = 2
# `modified_tensor` is detected as being mutated in the forward, so freezing preserves
# it to retain model semantics
assert frozen_module(torch.tensor(1)) == torch.tensor(12)
# now that we've run it once, the next result will be incremented by one
assert frozen_module(torch.tensor(1)) == torch.tensor(13)
If you're not sure why an attribute is not being inlined as a constant, you can run
`dump_alias_db` on frozen_module.forward.graph to see if freezing has detected the
attribute is being modified.
if not isinstance(mod, ScriptModule):
raise RuntimeError(
"Freezing expects a ScriptModule as input. "
"Please use torch.jit.script or torch.jit.trace to script your 'nn.Module'."
raise RuntimeError(
"Freezing is currently only implemented for modules in eval mode. "
"Please call .eval() on your module before freezing."
preserved_attrs = preserved_attrs if preserved_attrs is not None else []
out = RecursiveScriptModule(torch._C._freeze_module(mod._c, preserved_attrs))
optimize_frozen_module(out, optimize_numerics)
return out
def optimize_frozen_module(mod, optimize_numerics: bool = True):
Runs a series of optimizations looking for patterns that occur in frozen graphs.
The current set of optimizations is:
- Dropout Removal
- Conv -> Batchnorm folding
- Conv -> Add/Sub folding
- Conv -> Mul/Div folding
mod (:class:`ScriptModule`): a frozen module to be optimized
optimize_numerics (bool): If ``True``, a set of optimization passes will be run that does not strictly
preserve numerics. These optimizations preserve default rtol and atol of `torch.testing.assert_allclose`
when applied on a single transformation, however in a module where many transformations are applied
the rtol or atol may no longer fall within the default `assert_allclose` tolerance. Conv -> Batchnorm folding,
Conv-Add/Sub, and Conv -> Mul/Div folding all may alter numerics.
In rare occassions, this can result in slower execution.
Example (Freezing a module with Conv->Batchnorm)
.. code-block:: python
import torch
in_channels, out_channels = 3, 32
conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, bias=True)
bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels, eps=.001)
mod = torch.nn.Sequential(conv, bn)
# set optimize to False here, by default freezing runs optimize_frozen_module
frozen_mod = torch.jit.freeze(torch.jit.script(mod.eval()), optimize=False)
# inspect frozen mod
assert "batch_norm" in str(frozen_mod.graph)
assert "batch_norm" not in str(frozen_mod.graph)
# xxx: keep in sync with frozen_graph_optimization.cpp
# intentionally duplicated to make to make it easier to create custom optimization sequence
if optimize_numerics:
# run a couple times to capture Conv -> Mul -> Add etc
for _ in range(2):